The study

We are testing a method to support men who are trying to lose weight.  The method uses daily text messages to help men to lose weight and keep it off.

Why men?

There is a lack of weight loss support for men and few men engage with the support that is currently available.

The text messages have been designed with support from men’s groups and provide an alternative to current group-based support.

How is this being tested?

We are inviting overweight men who are trying to lose weight to sign-up to take part.  These men will be put into groups – some will receive the text-messages and some will continue as usual without the text messages.  At the end of 12-months, we will see who lost weight most successfully.


Game of Stones successfully recruited 208 men across Bristol and South Gloucestershire, in addition to a further 377 in Glasgow and Belfast.  These men were randomised into groups and were followed-up over the 12-month intervention period and then again at 24-months.

We are very grateful to all of the men who agreed to take part and to give up their time to support our research.  We couldn’t have done it without you!